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Numerical methods


In this section we present the computation schemes for finding the time derivatives of the output function. In case of the theoretical examples we used the Mathematica@ function Interpolation to a set of theoretical data points tex2html_wrap_inline1186 to obtain a spline version of the distribution distorted cosine function (24, 26 and 28). This function can be given the extra argument ''InterpolationOrder'' which denotes the polynomial order of the splines functions used. We set this value equal to the highest value of the derivative we want in the transformation functions (4, 7, and 8). Next the Mathematica@ function Derivative[order][function] was used to compute the time derivatives of the interpolation function at the time points tex2html_wrap_inline954 .

For the experimental data we proceeded a little different. Since the data have some additional sample stochasticity we fitted polynomials using the Mathematica@ function Fit to various parts of the CLN2 mRNA time series. The order of the polynomials and the parts used were judged by eye. Again the function Derivative was used to compute the time derivatives.

The Mathematica code used can be obtained upon request to the authors.

John Val
Mon Oct 14 15:36:06 EDT 1996